Conference-Opera about the ascension of the electronic music as baroque representation.

Premiered on the 08.10.2010 in Hebbel Theater, HAU III, Berlin.

Presented in october 2011 in Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden, in the frame of the TonLagen music festival.

From & with: Eva Löbau, Tatiana Saphir, Jessica Gadani, Rahel Savoldelli, Jan Sebastian Suba.

Singers: Adam Kirchner, Sabine Neumann, Norbert Rütte, Nadja Saleh.

Staging / Musical direction / Concept: Santiago Blaum

Stage: Cristina Nyffeler
Costumes: Charlotte Pistorius
Light: Benny Hauser
Concept and text collaboration: David Magnus
Assistant director: Luz Algranti

Synthesizers: Joe Howe
Staging collaboration: Martin Clausen
Sound: Stephan Wöhrmann / Ralph Krause

Costume Assistant: Laura Fügmann

Grafik: Pablo Derka
Produktion: Björn Pätz / björn&björn

Music: J. S. Bach, S. Blaum, J. Howe, J.B. Lully, C. Monteverdi, W.A. Mozart, H. Purcell, G. Rossini


